The Best Travel Writer You Probably Never Heard Of

Kosrae Island, Micronesia, where travel writer Nick Zoa was marooned for 18 months. (photo by nick.zoa)

I reviewed a new travel book this week on amazon.con, “Go Now: Adventures and Advice Mostly About Travel, But Not Entirely” by Nick Zoa.

Nick’s a friend of mine (one of my many traveling friends who I discovered through a friend, correspond with online, but haven’t yet met face-to-face).

I knew he was a great traveler — his pandemic adventure, for example, when marooned on a remote island in the South Pacific, would be the stuff of pure travel fantasy were it not all verifiably true.

But I had no idea how utterly unreal his travel life has been until he recently published “Go Now,” his first book. Once word spreads about this book you’ll be glad to say, “yeah, I read that already — unbelievable! — one of the best travel books I’ve read.”

Honestly, I’d put this book on a par with the best of Rolf Potts. So check out the review for more info. And I highly recommend you read “Go Now” by Nick Zoa.

Travel well, my friends.