A Journey Ends, Another Begins,
in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Changes Coming to Real On The Road
Anyone landing here can see that I’ve neglected this website for some time.
The last stop on my seven-year journey was in Buenos Aires, Argentina in December.
I returned to Brick, New Jersey (I was born in New Jersey) and married Susan Iona Conner, an author I’d known online for some time and had only recently met. Now we’re settling into domestic life here in Ocean County while writing books we’d both like to have published.
This website, realontheroad.com, will remain while I figure out what to do with it; meanwhile, I will be moving my twice-monthly newsletter, A Memoirist’s Journey, which is currently on a Convertkit website, to Substack.
I am thinking of changing the name of the newsletter on Substack, where I think I’ll have a better opportunity to develop and grow the newsletter’s readership through interaction with readers and other authors via the site’s more streamlined focus.
I was pleased with the response to the newsletter on Convertkit as I’ve reached more than 120 subscribers, far more than I thought would sign up when I first started posting in April ’23.
The next edition of AMJ will be published Monday, April 1, and appear in your email box as usual. Very soon, however, I will switch to publishing on Substack and you will receive more info on that later.
The AMJ Archive will remain on this website, realontheroad.com, where you have free access to all 24 newsletters that have been published. Just click on AMJ Archive in the menu on the home page.
Popping in to let you know that your writing about the Lotus Temple, “Playing with Light at New Delhi’s Lotus Temple,” was really useful for my architectural history essay. I’m an architecture major at Temple University.
Thank you for helping me out, David!
Hi Elaina, I’m really glad I could help you with your Lotus Temple essay. I’m a Temple grad myself, American Studies, class of 1975! Thanks for letting me know and good luck with your studies. — DHB